1-2-3-liftoff for Parenting from Pluto
Supportive, Informative, Educational Blog, Podcast/Vlog & Community.

Inform & Educate in order to generate
of Neurobiological Differences
and 2e-ness, also known as
Twice Exceptionalities (2e) or spiky profile!

Through our supportive, informative, educational blog, podcast/vlog/channels & Community – Parent Chat Club,
we set out to generate

Our philosophy and approach:
Our philosophy and approach is to always in
one-on-one & group settings; follow a path that is as natural, playful and creative as possible; have the adult (parent)-child collaborate; with a strength-based focus.
Our Statement:
Debbie Steinberg Kuntz always reminds us in the Bright and Quirky IdeaLab that “EVERYTHING IS FIGURE-OUT-ABLE!”. Debbie also reminds us to look for the 1% gains and to celebrate each victory!
Parenting from Pluto totally agrees with her! Our content brings hope and encouragement to everyone who hears/sees our content and in such a way we help build a better world for our Twice Exceptional population, no matter what neurobiological differences or gifts they may have.
Through our content with a parents heartbeat, we will introduce you to the work of like-minded experts, like Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, Dr Dan Peters, Dr Susan Buam, Dr Steve Porges and the list just go on and on of these like-minded experts whose work boldly underline phycological safety in one-on-one & group settings that is natural | playful | creative | collaborative | strength-based.
Our content is focusing on the South African situation, thus things like autumn/winter/spring/summer will be when it is in our time zone and we celebrate local special days like Braaidag! Our content offers South African-related resources – but you can always look under “The Masters” section of our website for International resources. Our information remains applicable no matter where in the universe you are.
Join us on the adventures into 2e-ness filled with learning curves and victories!
Read more about us – click here!
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.