Blog header for Parenting from Pluto © copyright

Adventures into 2E-ness with a parent’s heartbeat, one step at a time!

2E-ness = neurobiological high potential + challenges.

Parenting from Pluto

 the Blog/Vlog that aims to inform and educate about neurobiological differences as well as about 2E-ness.

It is NOT to replace medical/educational consultation. It is rather to INFORM!
You still need to talk to your medical/educational practitioner who you consult on these matters!


PDA: is it won’t or can’t? Is it Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) or Persistent Drive for Autonomy (PDA) or something else …

New blog post coming soon!

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2e-ness / spiky profile / Twice Exceptional (2e) Kids for Parenting from Pluto © copyright


Kids who are twice-exceptional often has lacking skills on so many levels, are socially awkward, but brilliant in their field of interest and/or gifts – heavily burden under a long string of diagnostic labels – time to tilt our thinking!

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