How to avoid parent information overload in just 5 steps!
with Ah,Willa! from Parenting from Pluto (PfP)

The Doodle Zoom Continuum was hosted by Parenting from Pluto and in this 23min clip you will learn about:
1. Stop and Pause
2. Brain Dump
3. Priorities
4. Struggle Solving (SS)
5. Celebrations
This is on repeat throughout this NeuroDiverse-2e journey

Just as a side note: Ah,Willa! has more than a decade of sleep deprivation (a story for another Zoom Continuum), dyslexia and speech issues and besides, English is not her first language …  Please take note: – you will  most certainly hear that I am tired

As promised in the talk – here are the links we talked about and or recommended:
Visit our Master Page to see who we consider the Masters and follow the links to learn more!

Pills DON’T teach Skills, How Executive Function skills and Medication can be used to help – Seth Perler

The D.Q.A method – Dayna Abraham from Calm the Chaos – hop over to her site.

The Bright and Quirky Possibility Plan by Debbie Steinberg Kuntz – hop over to her site. 

The CPS model by Dr Ross Greene – hop over to the Lives in the Balance site. 

The Q&A session will not be made public as that is only for the Parenting from Pluto Club-members.

To be part of the next Zoom Continuum, join our Telegram/WhatsApp or Facebook groups or subscribe to our No B.S. Parenting Newsletter where we announce all events.  The newsletter has member only content too.

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To know more about Ah,Willa!, hop over to her site.

WRMS Logo NEW black Our music logo is by Werner Richards from Werner Richards Media Studio. WRMS Do visit his site at:

Our music logo is by Werner Richards
from Werner Richards Media Studio. 
Do visit his site at:

To be part of the next Zoom Continuum, read more here.
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