Igniting Communication – a play-based method
with Michelle Younghusband from C Kids Thrive
Originally this Igniting Communication Zoom Continuum was hosted by Lemon2Lemonade, but the site has split in two parts and thus the Parenting from Pluto became a site in its own right, while Lemon2Lemonade focus on PTSD and MindYourHealth related posts. So in this talk you will still see the overly colourful background of the old original Lemon2Lemonade’s branding … yip we all start somewhere, learn more and grow bigger of course. I am from Pluto too, you know!
Note that due to time limits, Michelle had to condense her talk quite a bit. However, you will still learn a lot in this 26min clip about:
1. How to understand your child’s current communication approach (even if you’ve tried everything before.)
2. How to respectfully increase your child’s communication to be more effective and efficient.
3. How to ignite communication with other methods that many think prevents speaking.
4. How to become your child’s communication cheerleader by speaking less.
5. What is communication-based play?
The Q&A session will not be made public as that is only for the Parenting from Pluto Club-members.
To be part of the next Zoom Continuum, join our Telegram/WhatsApp or Facebook groups or subscribe to our No B.S. Parenting Newsletter where we announce all events. The newsletter has member only content too.
Click Here to join our Telegram/WhatsApp/Facebook groups and click here to subscribe to your newsletter.To know more about play-based communication or to communicate with Michelle Younghusband, visit http://www.ckidsthrive.com

Our music logo is by Werner Richards
from Werner Richards Media Studio.
Do visit his site at:
To be part of the next Zoom Continuum, read more here.
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