Blog header for Parenting from Pluto © copyright

Adventures into 2E-ness with a parent’s heartbeat, one step at a time!

2E-ness = neurobiological high potential + challenges.

Parenting from Pluto

 the Blog/Vlog that aims to inform and educate about neurobiological differences as well as about 2E-ness.

It is NOT to replace medical/educational consultation. It is rather to INFORM!
You still need to talk to your medical/educational practitioner who you consult on these matters!

Parent from a place of rest!

Parents (Dad’s and Moms!), step back, breathe, gather all the information you can and need, process the information, PRAY and then move forward to the next step confidently in the “best interests of YOUR child” with His guidance! Do not let the Departement of education or any member (professional or other wise) of society bully you into …

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NeuroDiversity and Neurobiological differences header for Parenting from Pluto © copyright


We are all NeuroUnique and on the HumanSpectrum! 
Yes, we are! The term neurodiversity was coined by sociologist Judy Singer, who is autistic, in late 1990’s

however, the world is at war …

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PfP SWOT for Parenting from Pluto © copyright


The PfP SWOT Analysis thinking tool.
Find your next steps …

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Parent-care for Parenting from Pluto © copyright


Parent-care are often neglected in the crisis settings parents can find themselves in. Evenmore so for …

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1 2 3 Liftoff for Parenting from Pluto © copyright

Parenting from Pluto!

Parenting from Pluto, the splinter off portion; recovered and well as you can see …

1 2 3 liftoff already!!

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