There is no such thing as a “perfect parent” - YOU ARE ENOUGH!
There is no such thing as a “perfect parent” – YOU ARE ENOUGH! We do have to parent with a purpose though!
As a parent, you don’t have to put YOUR life on pause – live YOUR purpose. It may not look how you dreamt it would, there are endless possibilities to parent and have meaningful life. Your purpose and the path to fulfilment are completely personal to you of course, each family to each own.
Just know, along the way there are many resources to pull from; that will enable you to parent and purpose YOU! Sure; budget and circumstances has an impact, but it is NEVER EVER AN EXCUSE not to; as there are plenty of free recourses/assistance available too.
It is one thing to parent a typical child and quite another to parent an atypical/neurobiological different child! There are loads of books on typical parenting, but not so much on how to parent atypical! Thankfully we do have BRILLIANT MINDS who have travelled this path and kindly guide and share with LIVED experiences all over cyberspace! (See our Masters Page to find highly recommended Masters)
Parenting from Pluto is not the road less travelled, it is simply a different path that zig-zags all over the galaxies at the beat of its own drums, we just have to learn to beat a different rhythm!
United we stand – parenting we must!
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